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How To Clean a Blender in 30 Seconds (Without Taking It Apart)

We've already covered the quickest, easiest way to clean a blender — one that takes mere seconds and doesn't involve taking your blender pitcher apart. It was a forehead-smacking moment for me; what an obvious and delightful way to clean a blender! I often avoid using my blender to purée soups or to do other messy jobs because I hate taking it apart and scrubbing out the pitcher.

Well, this 30-second cleaning method means much faster, easier cleanup after smoothie-making and soup-puréeing. I tried it out for myself — let me show you!

This blender cleaning method is super easy — do you already do this? You just need hot water, a bit of soap, and a few seconds. If your blender has buildup or is looking a bit dull, you can also add a drop of vinegar or some lemon, as Emily did in her original post.

We also saw this tip demonstrated in video at CHOW — check it out here.

Make Your Blender Clean Itself at CHOW

One final note: This quick and easy method doesn't replace occasional deep-cleaning of your blender. I clean it out quickly after basic tasks, but I still do take it apart from time to time and clean the blades and any gunk hanging out under the rubber ring.

1. Pour water in the blender: Fill your blender pitcher about halfway with hot water from a kettle or the tap.