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La Rancune film streaming 1280

WTF is Rancune?

RANCUNE treads the line between 80s-inspired electronic sounds and new-wave songwriting. Influenced by garage rock, electronic body music and most things in between, these three French guys living in Berlin can’t choose between singing in their mother tongue, English or German. Playing with an assemblage of analog synthesizers, drum machines, plus an organ and a guitar amp, the three members take turns to sing songs of love, lust, grudge and culinary frustration.
Rancune released their first 7” single Freiheit mein Arsch / Putain de Problème in June 2016 on the French label Juvenile Delinquent. LISTEN / BUY EP

50 by Lobotomy at Bei Ruth, Berlin, Friday 21st of October
MILK ME Night with Heimat and Magritte Jaco, at Urban Spree, Berlin, Thursday 3rd of November

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